What Is “Artificial General Intelligence,” The Next Stage Of AI Growth?
Information Overload — And The Tools We Develop To Overcome It
“One example was the introduction, in the late 17th century, of scholarly journals that included book reviews, helpfully filtering and summarising (and in some cases excerpting) notable titles… And the centuries-old practice of prefacing longer works with a “list of headings” was refined and developed in two directions [table of contents and indexes] to help […]
“Code To Joy”: A Writer Learns To Write Code
“My beginner’s foray has taught me more than I could have guessed, illuminating my own mind and introducing me to a new level of mental discipline, not to mention a world of humility. The collaborative spirit at code culture’s heart turns out to be inspiring and exemplary… More powerful than any of this is a […]
The Risk And Reward Of Immersing Oneself In Work
“Why Do We Work So Hard?”
“The problem is not that overworked professionals are all miserable. The problem is that they are not.”