Dartmouth President: Make Decisions Based On Evidence, Not Politics
Is Creativity A Balm For Depression?
“The Case For Sleepovers”
“Children can benefit from them for a couple of reasons. For one thing, sleepovers provide an experience, like trick-or-treating, when the power balance between grown-ups and children can shift in the latter’s favor for the simple reason that parents don’t have the stamina to keep up with (or even stay awake for) kids’ antics. Feeling […]
Six Long Novels “That Live Up To Their Reputation”
“Your Creativity Won’t Save Your Job From A.I.”
Is All Social Media Becoming Tik-Tok? Can Moderation Keep Up?
On The Effect Of Computational Analysis On Culture
“The analytics revolution, which began with the movement known as Moneyball, led to a series of offensive and defensive adjustments that were, let’s say, catastrophically successful… the quantitative revolution in culture is a living creature that consumes data and spits out homogeneity… It sacrifices diversity for the sake of familiarity. It solves finite games at the […]