Four Motivational Posters For Your Office/Studio
“Open the document. Stay in the document.”
“7 Questions I Ask Myself When I Don’t Know What To Do Next”
Verbifying With Bob Dylan And Calvin And Hobbes
“Two Kinds Of Attention: Narrow And Wide”
On The Discipline It Takes To Make Things
Austin Kleon Interviews Beth Pickens On Making Art
“Last week I had the pleasure to chat with art coach Beth Pickens, author of Make Your Art No Matter What and Your Art Will Save Your Life. Beth and I share many of the same core messages, but I come at making art from the inside of being a working artist and Beth comes […]
When Working, Think Of Your Audience And “Be A Good Date”
“Never Waste Your Midlife Crisis”
“Artists Must Be Allowed To Make Bad Work”
“You Have To Really Love Your Idea”
“Not only will you have to persevere for many years, if your wildest dreams come true and your project is a huge hit, you have to be ready to talk for years — if not decades! — about it. So at the very least, it better be something you were passionate about at the time of its making.”