Charles Fadel On AI In Schools And Curriculum: A Look Ahead [Video]
High Level Implications For AI In Education
“The Evolutionary Origins Of Competencies”
“Evolutionary zoology provides a framework to understand the emergence of human competencies such as creativity, curiosity, resilience and pro-social, even ethical, behaviors. Organic life forms of diverse species exhibit behaviors and traits that share common threads with these human capacities developed throughout the eras, and ongoing research provides insights into the evolutionary foundations of these […]
How Does AI Inform Our Competency And Skill Mapping In The Curriculum?
12 Ways To Understand Equity In Education
“The difficulty in understanding equity and social justice in education and in developing effective policies comes from conceptual confusion. A large range of concepts populate this space of research and policy, often with conflicting meanings and consequences. An attempt is made to distinguish and define the most common conceptualizations of equity:”
“Modern Mathematics” Standards Integrate High Level Concepts Earlier
“The Modern Mathematics standards for PreK-10th grade encompass traditional branches such as Arithmetic, Geometry, and Algebra, curated for relevance, and augmented by more comprehensive coverage of Statistics/Probabilities, and the explicit introduction of Discrete/Computational mathematics.”
Which Competencies Are Best Embedded In Which Disciplines?
“Is Math appropriate to teach leadership, or is critical thinking more likely? Beyond Communication and Creativity respectively, what should Language and Arts focus on? After three years of research, CCR publishes its ground-breaking recommendations in a new report, which describes which disciplines are most conducive to teach given competencies. Among the findings: The importance of the […]
Which Disciplines Focus Most On Which Competencies
“Every discipline has a key role to play for development of Competency expertise and transfer. If all disciplines focus on teaching their top Competencies, benefits will exist at the curricular, course, and learner level. Curricula will be integrated with relevant Competencies which will in turn increase content relevance and depth of understanding of what it […]
What Knowledge Is Essential In The Curriculum In A Digital Age?
Although Calculus is helpful for the 20-30% of bachelor’s degree students who enter college with a STEM major and are expected to take Calculus, what is the experience of the other 70-80%? …Currently, even in the best case scenario, students are still spending the majority of their time on material they will never use again […]
Personalized Learning: A State Of Industry (Getting Past Buzzwords)
It is largely an umbrella term that overlaps with other education concepts—such as adaptive learning, differentiated instruction, competency-based education, and learning analytics. The Data & Society Research Institute offers a schematic for unpacking this range of genres and terms.”