“Kids Like Learning About Themselves More Than Math” (And How)
“This fact is fortunate for math teachers because kids have a lot of math ideas, even kids who don’t think they do, so the more we can make math about the ideas kids have, the more kids will like math. Watch how that hypothesis played out for me in a class I taught last week.”
Has Teacher Use Of AI Changed In The Last Year?
Politics Is Unavoidable In The Classroom (“You Can’t Opt Out”)
“Politics is the way a society defines which people have value and which people get value. Seen through that lens, teachers are unavoidably practicing politics in their classrooms every day. In classrooms right now, teachers are defining who is valuable, whose ideas are valuable, whose ideas are worth sharing with the rest of the class, […]
“These AI Resources Are Not Classroom-Ready”
On Creating A “Just Try It” Classroom
“Do teachers believe that every question in math class has one correct route to one correct answer? If so, then they should probably expect students to just do it. By contrast, if they believe there are as many ways to be smart as there are humans in the world, then they have one of the […]