A Market Map Of GenAI Use Cases In Education
“The Rise Of The Teacherpreneur In The Age Of AI”
Establishing Proof of Impact With EdTech
“Certifications are an attempt to create accepted standards for edtech’s impact that can truly align the interests of companies, buyers, and end users. So, what types of certifications are out there and what do you need to know if you’re looking to engage with certifications for your edtech product? Let’s jump in!”
Google And OpenAI’s Competing Strategies, Summarized
On The Value Of Just Sitting And Listening To Kids [Podcast]
“What people tell us when they do this is that they often have never just sat with a student for 40 minutes and deeply listened to them about their experience and about what they want. That’s the first thing they say. The second thing they say is, “I cannot unhear what I just heard. When […]