On Using GenAI In Course Design
“In this article, we illustrate the uses of AI in instructional design in terms of content creation, media development, and faculty support. We also provide some suggestions on the effective and ethical uses of AI in course design and development. Our perspectives are rooted in medical education, but the principles can be applied to any […]
UMichigan Created Its Own Closed GenAI Tools. Here’s How And Why.
Horizon Report: Emerging Trends in Education and Tech 2023
Horizon Report: Emerging Trends in Education and Tech (2020)
The 2018 Horizon Report Is Out (Higher Ed Edition)
Making The Case For Innovation Systems In Higher Ed
“In general, higher education institutions have sound and rigorous processes for known, incremental, and precedent-setting change. What they lack is a valued parallel process for true bottom-up experimentation when the outcomes are unknown.”
Questioning Innovation and Change, And Who Defines the Narrative
We are certainly obsessed with innovation — there’s this rather nebulously defined yet insistent demand that we all somehow do more of it and sooner… We should question this myth of the speed of technological change and adoption (and by myth I don’t mean lie; I mean story that is unassailably true) if it’s going […]