“Two Best Practices For Successful Online Teaching And Learning”
What Students Want From An LMS: Simplicity And Navigability
How Post-Exam Reviews Can Enhance Learning
6 Different Classroom Cell Phone Policies Used By Teachers
“[Category:] NOVELTY POLICIES – Mild or humorous penalties for using electronic devices: ‘If it rings, you sing. So be sure and pick out your favorite song and be ready to belt it out in front of the class.’”
Facilitating Communities of Practice In Online Courses
Good Advice For Studying For Finals
Students Prefer Hard But Manageable Courses. Here’s What That Means.
For each student there appeared to be a demarcation line…that professors could cross by making their courses too difficult” (p. 109). Once that line was crossed, opinions of the course and instructor quickly changed to dislike. The too-difficult courses had grading systems students perceived as unfair, tests that were too hard, homework that was graded […]