How Are Audiobooks Made?
Viktor Shklovsky’s “On The Theory Of Prose”
“Nearly a century old, it’s still avidly read and discussed in MFA circles, thanks to its author’s meticulous dissection of the devices of fiction, likely more valuable than any of the most recent craft books on the shelves. Unquestionably, it has been a kind of ur-text for many fledgling novelists because it discloses so clearly […]
A Reflection On Rigor
“The Crisis of Intimacy in the Age of Digital Connectivity”
The basic contradiction is as simple as it is desperate: the sharing of private experience has never been more widespread while empathy, the ability to recognize the meaning of another’s private experience, has never been more rare.”
In Defense Of The Romance Novel (And A History Of The Word “Romantic”)
On The Growth Of Administration In Higher Ed
A Reflection On The Pervasiveness Of English, And What That Means
Nicholas Carr Reviews Kasparov Writing About Artificial Intelligence
The question isn’t whether the subtleties of human thought will continue to lie beyond the reach of computers. They almost certainly will. The question is whether we’ll continue to appreciate the value of those subtleties as we become more dependent on the mindless but brutally efficient calculations of our machines.”