A weekly collection of education-related news from around the web.


    • MIT Technology Review
    • 12/15/14
    “Indeed, for all the focus on the role of MOOCs in higher education, they might have a significant role to play in high schools and below. Teachers are already a big audience (a study of 11 MOOCs offered by MIT last spring found that nearly 28 percent of enrollees were former or active teachers).”
    • Chronicle of Higher Education
    • 01/13/14
    “High-impact practices like service learning, research with faculty members, and capstone projects that are a cornerstone of residential learning and have been shown to improve student learning, none of those practices are incorporated into MOOCs right now. To transform higher education for the next generation, we need to better blend game-changing innovations with one another, […]
    • Harvard Magazine
    • 12/05/13
    “Modular, unbundled learning suggests much-expanded flexibility in the curriculum.”
    • Inside Higher Ed
    • 11/25/13
    “Agarwal said he expects MIT will move away from the traditional four-year-on-campus experience.”
    • MIT Technology Review
    • 12/15/14
    “Indeed, for all the focus on the role of MOOCs in higher education, they might have a significant role to play in high schools and below. Teachers are already a big audience (a study of 11 MOOCs offered by MIT last spring found that nearly 28 percent of enrollees were former or active teachers).”
    • Chronicle of Higher Education
    • 01/13/14
    “High-impact practices like service learning, research with faculty members, and capstone projects that are a cornerstone of residential learning and have been shown to improve student learning, none of those practices are incorporated into MOOCs right now. To transform higher education for the next generation, we need to better blend game-changing innovations with one another, […]
    • Harvard Magazine
    • 12/05/13
    “Modular, unbundled learning suggests much-expanded flexibility in the curriculum.”
    • Hack Education
    • 11/29/13
    • Inside Higher Ed
    • 11/25/13
    “Agarwal said he expects MIT will move away from the traditional four-year-on-campus experience.”






    • MIT Technology Review
    • 12/15/14
    “Indeed, for all the focus on the role of MOOCs in higher education, they might have a significant role to play in high schools and below. Teachers are already a big audience (a study of 11 MOOCs offered by MIT last spring found that nearly 28 percent of enrollees were former or active teachers).”
    • Chronicle of Higher Education
    • 01/13/14
    “High-impact practices like service learning, research with faculty members, and capstone projects that are a cornerstone of residential learning and have been shown to improve student learning, none of those practices are incorporated into MOOCs right now. To transform higher education for the next generation, we need to better blend game-changing innovations with one another, […]
    • Harvard Magazine
    • 12/05/13
    “Modular, unbundled learning suggests much-expanded flexibility in the curriculum.”
    • Hack Education
    • 11/29/13
    • Inside Higher Ed
    • 11/25/13
    “Agarwal said he expects MIT will move away from the traditional four-year-on-campus experience.”


Every week I send out articles I encounter from around the web. Subject matter ranges from hard knowledge about teaching to research about creativity and cognitive science to stories from other industries that, by analogy, inform what we do as educators. This breadth helps us see our work in new ways.

Readers include teachers, school leaders, university overseers, conference organizers, think tank workers, startup founders, nonprofit leaders, and people who are simply interested in what’s happening in education. They say it helps them keep tabs on what matters most in the conversation surrounding schools, teaching, learning, and more.

Peter Nilsson


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