A weekly collection of education-related news from around the web.

Tag: pd

    • Higher Ed Praxis
    • 10/23/24
    “Self-reflection… Pedagogical innovation… Feedback and collaboration”
    • Learning On Purpose
    • 07/26/24
    “In the coming year, we may need to prioritize collaboration over information, constructing knowledge together rather than trying to find it and use it for individual purposes. The time we have spent on searching could be reallocated to time spent on gathering.”
    • Hechinger Report
    • 07/23/24
    “The research on the value of a scripted curriculum is important — but teachers say so is the reality they face in the classroom every day.”
    • RISE Programme
    • 04/01/24
    “A message cutting across all five actions is “focus to flourish”. Education systems have been tremendously successful at achieving specific educational goals, such as expanding schooling, because that is what they committed to, that is what they measured, that is what they were aligned for, and that is what they supported. In order to achieve […]
    • Dan Meyer
    • 01/31/24
    “In the first year of the COVID pandemic, two states waived many of their typical requirements for teachers, allowing anyone with a bachelor’s degree to teach. After reviewing end-of-course exam results, supervisor evaluations, and other data, researchers concluded that the students of this group of emergency-hired teachers did not differ significantly from students taught by […]
    • EdWeek
    • 12/15/23
    ““We didn’t want to find rogue teachers who were going off and doing something on their own,” he said. “We were looking for wide-scale or potentially scalable programs.” Weiner identified several kinds of unconventional roles: Lead teacher, who serves as a mentor, curriculum developer, and co-teacher for a small team of teachers in the same […]
    • MDRC
    • 06/01/23
    “Reviewed 13 evaluations of comprehensive reform efforts, identified the features of the models evaluated, and categorized them to create a high school reform framework that can be generally applied. The authors hope that school and district leaders can compare their current efforts with the framework to identify how they might refine or augment those efforts.”
    • Walton Family Foundation
    • 03/01/23
    “Educators are innovators… They recognize the urgency of this moment and want to use every tool at their disposal to meet each students’ unique needs.”
    • Edutopia
    • 08/26/22
    “A difference between traditional and interdependent mentoring is that traditional mentoring can be one-sided. New teachers may feel compelled to show deference to experienced veterans, and mentors may be asked to respond to problems they’re not comfortable solving without additional help. In contrast, interdependent mentoring partnerships prioritize both teachers’ contributions. Mentors are appreciated for their […]
    • Kappan
    • 05/02/22
    “While many teachers are routinely observed, evaluated, and coached by other adults, they hardly ever receive formal feedback from their students. And this — useful evidence, solicited in real time from the attentive, perceptive, and astute students with whom they interact daily — can provide the most nourishing feedback of all.”
    • Larry Cuban
    • 09/09/21
    “Over the past forty years, factors associated with raising a school’s academic profile include: teachers’ consistent focus on academic standards and frequent assessment of student learning, a serious school-wide climate toward learning, district support, and parental participation. Recent research also points to the importance of mobilizing teachers and the community to move in the same direction, building trust among […]
    • ASCD
    • 05/27/21
    “We have focused our recent research on one interesting aspect of the transition for new teachers: the influential role of the induction mentor teacher in an educator’s first year. Through a case study approach, we looked at the in-depth experiences of seven recent graduates from our teacher preparation program, collecting interview and focus group data […]















    • MDRC
    • 06/01/23
    “Reviewed 13 evaluations of comprehensive reform efforts, identified the features of the models evaluated, and categorized them to create a high school reform framework that can be generally applied. The authors hope that school and district leaders can compare their current efforts with the framework to identify how they might refine or augment those efforts.”
    • Walton Family Foundation
    • 03/01/23
    “Educators are innovators… They recognize the urgency of this moment and want to use every tool at their disposal to meet each students’ unique needs.”
    • Edutopia
    • 08/26/22
    “A difference between traditional and interdependent mentoring is that traditional mentoring can be one-sided. New teachers may feel compelled to show deference to experienced veterans, and mentors may be asked to respond to problems they’re not comfortable solving without additional help. In contrast, interdependent mentoring partnerships prioritize both teachers’ contributions. Mentors are appreciated for their […]
    • Kappan
    • 05/02/22
    “While many teachers are routinely observed, evaluated, and coached by other adults, they hardly ever receive formal feedback from their students. And this — useful evidence, solicited in real time from the attentive, perceptive, and astute students with whom they interact daily — can provide the most nourishing feedback of all.”
    • Larry Cuban
    • 09/09/21
    “Over the past forty years, factors associated with raising a school’s academic profile include: teachers’ consistent focus on academic standards and frequent assessment of student learning, a serious school-wide climate toward learning, district support, and parental participation. Recent research also points to the importance of mobilizing teachers and the community to move in the same direction, building trust among […]
    • ASCD
    • 05/27/21
    “We have focused our recent research on one interesting aspect of the transition for new teachers: the influential role of the induction mentor teacher in an educator’s first year. Through a case study approach, we looked at the in-depth experiences of seven recent graduates from our teacher preparation program, collecting interview and focus group data […]

A.I. Updates





Every week I send out articles I encounter from around the web. Subject matter ranges from hard knowledge about teaching to research about creativity and cognitive science to stories from other industries that, by analogy, inform what we do as educators. This breadth helps us see our work in new ways.

Readers include teachers, school leaders, university overseers, conference organizers, think tank workers, startup founders, nonprofit leaders, and people who are simply interested in what’s happening in education. They say it helps them keep tabs on what matters most in the conversation surrounding schools, teaching, learning, and more.

Peter Nilsson


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