“Snapchat last year said that after just two months of offering its chatbot My AI, about one-fifth of its 750 million users had sent it queries, totaling more than 10 billion messages. The Pew Research Center has noted that 59% of Americans ages 13 to 17 use Snapchat.”
“It is increasingly looking like generative AI won’t become intelligent to achieve true AGI, but human beings will still put their trust into these black box systems and may one day be willing to cede autonomy and critical decision-making to an algorithm. To those who scoff at this, and I imagine there are many, know […]
“Achieving human-level speed and performance on real world tasks is a north star for the robotics research community. This work takes a step towards that goal and presents the first learned robot agent that reaches amateur human-level performance in competitive table tennis. Table tennis is a physically demanding sport which requires human players to undergo […]
“1) more examples are often better, aim for as many as is reasonable 2) randomly order the examples (don’t end with several negatives) 3) aim for balanced data distribution, preferably similar to in-the-wild distribution 4) ensure examples are labeled correctly 5) choose a common format for all examples 6) pick similar examples to your test […]
“In 2005, Shane Gero, biology lead for Ceti, founded The Dominica Sperm Whale Project to study the social and vocal behaviour of around 400 sperm whales that live in the Eastern Caribbean. Almost 20 years – and thousands of hours of observation – later, the researchers have discovered intricacies in whale vocalisations never before observed, […]
“It’s sort of like comparing a woodworking artisan’s table to one from IKEA. The artisans invest immense time and effort into their high-quality pieces, while IKEA produces things quickly and cheaply, and most people probably can’t tell the difference (or don’t care). Which is kind of sad for us artisans. With AI, we can expect […]
“I’ve created a resource to proactively envision how young people might relate to and utilize chatbots, with different impacts on human connection. The framework below maps four different possible futures, each representing the most common chatbot experience for young people.”
“We may think the complexities of the human mind can only be understood by other humans. Yet research on chatbots and psychology suggests non-human bots can actually help improve mental health. Bilawal talks with Dr. Alison Darcy, the founder of mental health app Woebot, and Brian Chandler, an app user, to learn what chatbots reveal […]
“Daily users are 63% more likely to see AI as a teammate compared to monthly users. As people start using AI more, they don’t just consider what AI can do for them, but how to work with AI as a teammate to tackle highly-complex workflows.”
“1) Fed ChatGPT 20-30 famous love letters and asked for a formula, common patterns, and differences between them. 2) Fed ChatGPT neighborhoods I like and dislike in places I’ve lived (SF, NY, Philly, Boston). Asked for patterns and neighborhoods I might like in Austin. 3) Told ChatGPT to act as my language translator and every […]
“The internet revolution showed that, despite potential pitfalls, early adoption has its advantages. With GenAI, the landscape is even more complex and rapidly evolving. It’s natural (and perfectly okay) to have your apprehensions and doubts about its adoption in professional and personal settings… If you can cut through the noise and develop a nuanced understanding […]
“Part of what I found useful about this experiment was that creating my own A.I. friends forced me to clarify and articulate what I value about my flesh-and-blood friends.”
“Already, AI is being woven into the workplace at an unexpected scale. 75% of knowledge workers use AI at work today, and 46% of users started using it less than six months ago. It’s paying off: Users say AI helps them save time (90%), focus on their most important work (85%), be more creative (84%), and […]
“Accenture concluded that 63% of hours worked in New York City could be “automated or augmented by generative AI,” compared to 44% of hours worked across the United States… The “people-centric” approach (defined as an innovation focused on “augmenting work” rather than “cost saving”) was predicted to deliver the most economic value: a $320 billion […]
“A.I., if used well, can assist with restoring the middle-skill, middle-class heart of the U.S. labor market that has been hollowed out by automation and globalization.”
“Most Americans still haven’t used the chatbot, despite the uptick since our July 2023 survey on this topic. But some groups remain far more likely to have used it than others… Adults under 30 stand out: 43% of these young adults have used ChatGPT, up 10 percentage points since last summer… Highly educated adults are […]
“This tutorial is aimed at researchers who are interested in using AlphaFold2 to predict protein structures and integrate these predictions into their projects. An undergraduate-level knowledge of protein structure and structural biology would be an advantage.”
“Papyrologists who have studied the text recovered from the blackened scroll were stunned at the feat. “This is a complete gamechanger,” said Robert Fowler, emeritus professor of Greek at Bristol University and chair of the Herculaneum Society. “There are hundreds of these scrolls waiting to be read.””
“Five analytical tasks in under a minute”
“This is a novel written by making full use of a generative AI like ChatGPT, and probably about 5 percent of the whole text is written directly from the generative AI.”
“AI assistance reduced the amount of time that participants took to complete the tasks roughly uniformly regardless of their baseline speed. In follow up surveys, we found that participants reported increased satisfaction from using AI to complete legal tasks and that they correctly predicted the tasks for which GPT-4 would be most helpful.”
“Compared to a group of workers operating without the tool, those who had help from the chatbot were 14% more productive, on average, based on the number of issues they resolved per hour. The AI-supported agents ended conversations faster, handled more chats per hour, and were slightly more successful in resolving problems. Notably, the effect […]
“A.I. cannot innovate. All it can produce are prompt-driven approximations and reconstitutions of preexisting materials. If you believe that culture is an imaginative human endeavor, then there should be nothing to fear, except that — what do you know? — a lot of humans have not been imagining anything more substantial… To make something count, […]
“Dr. Lakhani and his colleagues devised a larger, controlled experiment to measure how ChatGPT would affect more than 750 white-collar workers. That study, which is under review at a scientific journal, indicated sharply mixed results in the consultants’ work product. ChatGPT greatly improved the speed and quality of work on a brainstorming task, but it […]
“I worried that [AI] would rob me of both the joy of working on puzzles and the satisfaction of being the one who solved them. I could be infinitely productive, and all I’d have to show for it would be the products themselves… Having found the AI’s level, I felt almost instantly that my working […]
“From a human resources perspective, companies need to strategize on how to retain employees and prepare for higher turnover among workers whose skills complement AI. Standard tools remove how much a company needs to invest in an employee to bring them up to speed. They can increase, however, the resources devoted to hiring and retention.”
“While participants also do not report any different perceptions of competence and trustworthiness between human and AI-generated content, they rate AI-generated content as being clearer and more engaging. The findings from this study serve as a call for a more discerning approach to evaluating information sources, encouraging users to exercise caution and critical thinking when […]
“Weekly meal planning is a major chore, and gift giving can be daunting, with various birthdays and holidays throughout the year. And any adult who has read books for children knows that it can become repetitive, and the books aren’t always relatable to a child’s situation or growing pains. Here’s how AI can help.”